Thursday, April 24, 2008

Karma is everywhere.

A friend who had just moved into a new apartment had told me he suspects that his new neighbors used to live in Molave, that dorm in UP where he too, used to stay. "Why is that a problem?" I asked. He clarified that they were the same group who had held prayer meetings in college and that they would pester everyone to join them then, complete with the guilt trip. So now, being pretty sure they were the same guys, he hides in his room like a paranoid conspiracy theorist whenever they're out and about the hallway. I told him, "But God is everywhere. He can see you hiding. [Put Twilight Zone music here.]"

Now I take it back. It's not God, for all her/his omniscience. It's Karma that's everywhere.

I am currently being punished for all the bad things I have said about anyone at any given point (hence my theory that Karma is everywhere). But mostly it might be because of things I have said of a certain writer who might or might not have an extra chromosome which can lead to certain facial features wrongly described as those common to a race of people living in the Asiatic regions, specifically based on a country north of China, bordering Russia. Gets?

(Am I safe?)

Anyway, so yeah, I'm being punished. Because now, my prayers have been answered and now I don't have to deal directly with that person. Instead, I am now saddled with an egotistical, no-manners, fifty-something writer who is an old maid.

Ah shit. There goes my karma again.

Since that's shot, can I just say: I am mad at people who feel like they have to keep certain agenda secret, and thus use people to achieve their goals without full disclosure. Note to you-of-that-kind: I have a fucking brain. And (gasp!) it works without a hitch more often than not. As a matter of fact, it's been studied that the brain improves when it is constantly engaged. So, let me use it once in a while, huh? Let me worry about what it can and cannot handle.

Ay potah. If you see me in a wheelchair next week, say it with me: Karma is everywhere.


P.S. A friend once told me she met this old woman at a cafe who had told her that it is good karma to plant trees. I will be starting a garden soon. Seed donations gratefully accepted.

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