Thursday, April 19, 2007

Let's fun!!!

Is my favorite Japanese-Engrish phrase. Which, by the way, is a valid translation of the Japanese. For example, those of you who've eaten at Teriyaki Boy have been invited to dine by the wait staff--"Tabemashou", which is literally, "Let's eat". They just didn't know that "fun" is not a verb.

Besides, they translated "futotta shounen" (literally, "fat boy") into Teriyaki Boy. Pretty smart, don't you think?

Yes, I lile it very much, too.

Puper, wruppers, your gurbage here.

Enough said.

Only we give you that casual hump...

... for that Asian rear.

Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.

Be afraid, be very afraid!

For famous people.

Yes, our VIPs have spare pricks.


Anyway, let's more fun!

It's been getting hotter and hotter lately. I've been stirred from sleep drenched in sweat, what with no airconditioning, and my sister hogging the lone fan in our apartment--the lone fan that doesn't turn. Things could get sticky soon.


A couple of days ago, I went with a friend to Makati to submit a bunch of poems for a contest. Cross your fingers, pray, knock on wood, throw salt over your left shoulder,paint the blood of a freshly killed chicken on the door in the shape of the cross, whatever. Please.


More than a couple days ago, I went drinking at a friend's place and almost turned my insides out puking on her garden. I've been told her plants are growing beautifully. Talk about ressurection. Happy Easter!


M said...

ohmygod, terriyaki boy. universally appreciated. hey, i have an idea that i think would be popular in pinas if somebody would organize it. also, wait, wasn't easter two weeks ago?

dreyers said...

what's the idea? will it make you/us (?) rich? bwahahaha. and hey, i procarastinate a lot remember? hehehe. how are you?

M said...

i''ll send you an email. same man giyapon diba? and i owe you a long one. (i think it's still somewhere in my drafts folder but it's gonna be old news now) =) no, it's not gonna make either one of us rich but it might get us some boys. hahaha!

dreyers said...

i'm all for that! hahaha. yey, send the email. it's still the same :) kisses!