Saturday, February 24, 2007

Facts versus Romance

Case in point: I want to be a good woman. But my immediate wants are just bad, bad, bad.


Next, a song:

Science Vs. Romance
Rilo Kiley

I used to think if I could realize I'd die
then I would be a lot nicer
used to believe in a lot more
now I just see straight ahead

That's not to say I don't have good times
but as for my days
I spend them waiting

Crash sites keep me up at night
impact division it splits in two
directly underneath you

As for those things
that act as markers in your life
but in between
you can't remember
and so it seems
that you've grown up and over me
and these silly things
I like to dwell on

Test sites keep me up at night
chainlink and meters
I talk to you
it's cold out there
but I'm telling you
I'm lonely too

Facts versus romance
you go and call yourself the boss
but we're not robots inside a grid

Text versus romance
you go and add it all you want
still we're not robots inside a grid

Zeroes and ones


I remember having this awful English teacher before--Let's say his name is Bernadette--He made a joke about how mathematicians are insisting that math is the universal language, and that we might as well do without the comlicated, uh, compiclated, grr, com-plicated (there you go!) study of English. Bernadette, for the class' entertainment, even acted out two Martians (presumably) telling jokes in binary code:

Martian 1: 10110010001. 010000001011?
Martian 0: 00111001?
Martian 1: 00101. 111001001001!!!

Get it? 111001001001!!! Hahahahahahahahaha! Ha-ha-haaaay.


I've been trying to write these four stories into poems lately--a writing project, if you will--one of which became Stone Turtle. Except that I'm supposed to be writing a sonnet and a villanelle for my Poetry writing class! Ha! Maybe then I can finally show my poetry to my Dad, and then he won't have to ask why my poems don't rhyme... Ayayay.

Anyway, here it is

The Fall

That lake-mirror
should show the monkey
a rippling moon--
aaaaaadrowning twin

And that he should
fall for it--
aaaaafirst into


but that he would
save what is
aaaaa((not there))

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