Thursday, April 30, 2009

Once more with feeling: The world is just awesome!

Yes, yes, I am late, but I don't have TV (most of the time). I have been immersing myself in all the geek channels, and I've just discovered this:

I love, love, love Discovery Channel's "The world is just awesome" campaign. Brings out the E(nvitonmental) S(cience) major in me. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but it's true! Deal with it. Hahaha.

"I love egyptian kings."

"I love the whole world!"

I love Bear Grylls.

I love Mike Rowe.

I love the Mythbusters.

I love Nat Geo, too.

I hate Animal Planet.

I wish I had cable TV.

I used to say, especially after I began to explore writing and the arts and (a little bit) regretting my science background, that BS stood for two things. I don't believe that now. After all, if science isn't the antithesis of bullshit, I don't know what is.

Sing it with me, "I love the whole world!" Boom de ya ya. Boom de ya ya.

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